The Liebster Award

Today I got my FIRST blogging award!!!

How super duper exciting!

I have to thank The Crazy Chic for the nomination, she knows how stoked I am already!


There are a few rules for accepting this nomination-

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give 11 facts about yourself
  • Give them 11 questions of your own

Questions from The Crazy Chic-

1.What is your goal in life? – This is a loaded question… I guess to be the best Mama to my 2 lil guys, and to be known for my positive outlook, and for my fun crazy personality by friends and family!

2. What is the most dear memory from your childhood? – I love my childhood ‘Christmas morning video’ I could watch over and over. So this last year and all the years to come I started making home videos of my boys on Christmas morning – there’s really nothing like it!

3. Favourite food? Cake or I mean frosting with a bit of cake… You know when everyone’s scraping off the thick sugary frosting from the cake??? Well that’s when my friends and family offer it to me! They know me well – haha.

4. Why did you start blogging? I love the idea of sharing fun and creative ideas, food, and fashion. I mean how could you not, right!

5. Your inspiration or your role model? Inspiration is my children, they inspire me to have fun and be silly again (not that I really ever stopped but they are the best reminder). Also they inspire me to just try to be the best version of myself!

6. What is that one thing you cannot live without? (I mean apart from oxygen😛) Besides the kiddos and hubby of course… I would say sweets and reality TV, I know both are things that aren’t very good for you but are both just SO good!

7.  Where are you from? OR

8. How many languages can you speak? Only English. All those years in spanish class and nothing to show for it :/

9. Where do you see yourself 15 years from now? Hmmm… This one makes me think. Probably being some mogul entrepreneur, so guess I better get to work on that, LOL.

10. Do you have any pets? Yes -Petunia, a bunny she’s stinkin adorable. bunny

11. Biggest pet-peeve? People telling you what to do with your kid, like out in public. It’s like keep it to yourself, I didn’t ask!

My Nominations are:

Strictly Lighthearted

Owl you need is Luv

It’s a girl dream

Rianne Jones

The Great Mom Adventure

Mama Makes

Ok now 11 facts about Me…

  1. I have lived in the UK, Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington
  2. I have 7 siblings, I’m the second oldest
  3. Everyone thinks I was a cheerleader in HS, but I was so anti cheerleading
  4. I worked for Guess? Inc. for 8 years, before becoming a Stay at home Mama
  5. My nickname growing up was Panda – and sometimes still is
  6. I have been married 11 years… Makes me feel so old saying that
  7. I love playing music in my house really loud and dancing and singing with the kiddos
  8. My favorite color to wear is black
  9. Love baking, because I love to eat baked treats
  10. I’ve been to Paris, Barcelona, and Jamaica for vacation – My hubby was in the military so we got to travel a ton when we were younger
  11. My 1st job was working for my Dad’s go-kart business during the summers

My questions for the my nominees are:

  1. What’s your favorite part of blogging?
  2. What is your favorite topic to read about on blogs?
  3. Favorite Vacation destination?
  4. If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
  5. What is something quirky about yourself?
  6. How many blogging awards have you received?
  7. What is your 5 year plan?
  8. Favorite food?
  9. What was your 1st job?
  10. Who inspires you?
  11. Something most people don’t know about you?


Well that was fun! I can’t wait to read my nominations answers!!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

13 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Thank you for the nomination Panda … sorry could not resist! I will have to sit down and think about myself now .. Crazy Chic made me do that earlier too for The Miranda Sings Award .. hehe … Btw, I totally don’t get people who scrape off icing from cakes .. it’s the best part!!

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